Re: CountIf for check boxes
Yes, this is totally possible. The following formula will count all checked checkboxes. Just replace the checkbox column name in the formula with the name of yours. =Countifs([Checkbox Column Name]:[…1 · -
Re: IT Portfolio Rollup
If you don't have the resources to add the dashboard functionality (Business+ accounts) you could do a rollup spreadsheet and use cross-sheet references to create a roll-up spreadsheet using countifs…1 · -
Re: How to use vLookup for other sheets
I would do something like this... =Vlookup([Column Title with Name in Sheet A]@row, THEN click on the "Insert Refrence from another sheet" link that appears in the help card. Choose the ref…2 · -
Re: Moving Workspaces to an Archive
From my understanding, you should only be able to move workspace content - not the workspaces themselves into other workspaces. I would create a new folder in the archive workspace then move all of t…1 · -
Re: How to calculate days since a date
In a new column, you can use simple math to calculate the number of calendar days. =netdays([Date Column Title]@row, Today()) Or you can calculate the number of workdays using: =networkdays([Date Col…2 ·